To create surveys for your staff, just follow these steps:

Creating a New Survey:

  1. Log in to the Call Control Portal.
  2. Select Surveys from the left-hand menu.
  3. Choose Add Survey.
  4. A New survey will appear called 'New Survey' - click on this to edit it.
  5. In the Name field, give the survey a meaningful name
  6. In the Target field, set the Target to Customer or Staff (depending on who you want to fill out the survey).
  7. Tick the Active box

Adding Survey Questions:

  1. Click the Blue Add Question button to add a question
  2. Adjust the Title field to give the questions a meaningful today (ie Customer Satisfaction Rating).
  3. Give the question and description in the Description field (ie This is how we measure Customers Satisfaction on the phone with 1 being poor, and 5 being excellent).
  4. The Answer Length field means how many digits long the answer should be. For example, if your options are going to be 1 - 5, then an answer length of one digit is correct. If your options are 1 - 99, the an answer of two digits is needed.
  5. Select the audio file that you will use to instruct the Staff member or Customer on what to do in the Voice Message dropdown Menu. If you need to upload audio files, upload them by heading to the Voice Messages menu option.
  6. The Help Tips drop-down menu is used if the Customer or Staff Member gets stuck and needs further instruction.
  7. Click the green Save Survey button at the top once it is all configured.

Adding a Survey to a Campaign:

  1. Open up the Campaign and Pool to which you wish to add the Survey for
  2.  Once in the Pool, click the Voice Messages tab
  3. Click the Survey drop-down menu and select the Survey you've just created.
  4. Click the green Save button to save the changes. 

That's it - it's all done! Just give your Survey a test call to ensure that you're happy with it.

When does the Survey begin during a call?

The Survey happens at the end of every call, and then the result is recorded in the Reports menu option.

For Staff-facing Surveys: The survey will automatically begin after the caller has hung up.

For Customer-facing Surveys: The survey will automatically begin after the Staff member has hung up.

Please feel free to get in contact if you have any questions or issues with your Call Surveys.